I know it's not exactly winter yet but certain days carry that certain chill in the air that carries the promise of greater things to come. There is not much one can do to dress up a practical, neck to mid-calf winter coat other than to pair it with an equally warm but hopefully attractive winter hat or adorn it with a colourful scarf. Again, if you know me at all, you know that I don't do hats.I have been known to wear them in extreme situations when my ears threatened to break off due to cold or when the unrelenting sun threatened to slay me with sun stroke. Other than that, my outdoor winter fashion statement usually consists of the scarf. They are inexpensive enough that you can own more than one and are available in so many fabrics and colours that you can truly brighten up a gray winter day just by wrapping one around your neck. While you're at it why stop with doing it the same old way? Here are several fun methods of getting that extra layer of warmth around that naked skin. If I practice now, I may actually remember what to do when the occasion arises.
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