Monday, December 12, 2011

Home made pierogi

In preparation for making the annual Christmas pierogi, I looked through some recipes to see the different methods and ingredients people use when making this traditional Wigilia staple.  I can't say I make pierogi any other time than Christmas, so every year it takes a bit of organizing to get all the ingredients and implements ready. Usually we make two types of pierogi. Potato and cheese are the most widely known and are also available at most supermarkets these days in the frozen food section. The other type of pierogi that we have made on Christmas Eve for decades are the sauerkraut and mushroom kind. These are a little harder to find if you are looking to purchase them ready made but can usually be found at specially food stores that feature ethnic dishes. Locally they can be found at the European Deli on Walker Rd. at Ottawa St. We, of course, will be making them by hand. My daughter has already asked if we will wait for her to get home before we start the yearly tradition. Here is a look at one way to make Potato and Cheese pierogi. It is very close to the way we make them. This year, however, I will have to scout around for some different recipes for fillings that do not include cheese. The effects of lactose intolerance are not a pleasant thing, especially at a time like this.
My grandmother used to make meat filled ones when I was a child but those won't do on Christmas Eve. She also made all kinds of fruit filled ones in the summer. I still remember the strawberry ones my aunt made a couple of years ago when we visited Poland. These are served with sweetened cream or sour cream insted of the fried onions which usually accompany a dish of pierogi. The warm juice that spurts out of the pierogi and mixes with the cream as the fork pierces the dough is something everyone should taste at least once in their life.Maybe this is the year to add the sweet version of pierogi to our repertoire.This may be an opportunity to come up with yet another non-traditional tradition.


  1. parsnip and caramelized onion
    potato and mustard greens

  2. Are you and Charlotte coming to the pierogi- making party?

  3. ciotka marylka made blueberry pierogi when we were there, not strawberry.
    ...but we're still making cheese and potato ones, right?

  4. Yes, we are making the cheese and potato ones and maybe a new kind.....
