Sunday, January 1, 2012

I resolve to, more or less

In light of all the new years resolutions I've been reading about lately, I have decided to set out a few of my own. I will not obsess about meeting them all but rather be mindful of them and like every year, do the best that I can.

To pay attention more, as in the colour of the eyes of the people I meet
To stand under the shower longer, just for the sheer pleasure of it
To hug my family more often, even when they would rather I didn't
To have more fun, at every opportunity
To sing along to the radio more often
To walk away less
To move toward, more
To remember to floss
To indulge in guilt, less
To try a new flavour at least once a week
To wash the floor less and shine the mirrors more
To air out the rooms more, especially on a windy day
To appreciate every wrinkle and remember how it got there
To stop saying no in my head and practice it out loud
To get rid of clutter
To read only the good stuff
To permit myself to write about the bad stuff
To say thank you as soon as I can
To give advice less
To drink more
To eat less of the stuff that doesn't really matter
To look at old pictures more often
To take new pictures more often
To dance even though I can't
To sing even if people cringe when I do
To draw without expecting anything in particular
To look just beyond the obvious
To encourage more
To give up less
To take more naps just like the cat.

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